Virginia International Tattoo

Start: April 24, 2016, 6:30 p.m.

End: April 24, 2016, 8 p.m.

Event at Virginia International Tattoo

The 20th Season Celebration will feature the finest Tattoo cast ever assembled, and will embody both quality and quantity, with a magnificent 200 person massed pipes and drums and one thousand glorious voices. The performance will feature close to 2,000 military and civilian performers from eight nations who will share their unique music, dance, culture and pride, showcasing their individual excellence, their esprit de corps as units, and their friendship as nations. The Tattoo will not only entertain you, it will inspire you...when your hand touches your heart during the Stay Spangled Banner, when you jump to your feet when your family's service song is sung, when you rise in solemn prayer as hundreds of pipers, military musicians and singers join together to performer Amazing Grace. This is one Tattoo you will never regret!