Vino Van Gogh: Nude Drawing

Start: Nov. 7, 2016, 12:30 a.m.

End: Nov. 7, 2016, 2:30 a.m.

Event at Laughing Hyena Tattoos

Our first official session of Vino Van Gogh will feature nude modeling with complimentary wine and pizza. This is for beginners as well as advance. Class will be led by artist Isaac M. Colon-Francia III. Session will begin with short poses and build up to longer poses. BYO supplies but please no paint. We will have paper and pencil's available. We will begin with wine and pizza then end with a critique of work. Doors will be locked at 7:50pm so please be on time. Contact for more information. In honor of our first session this one is on us and is FREE! So take advantage. Seats will be limited.