Under the Needle's 7th annual art show: BATTLE ROYALE!!!

Start: Aug. 16, 2015, 3 a.m.

End: Aug. 16, 2015, 7:30 a.m.

Event at Under The Needle Tattoos

Join us Saturday, August 15th for our 7th annual art show: BATTLE ROYALE!

We would like to thank everyone who came out last year, and we hope to make this year bigger and better than ever! We're shutting down second avenue in front of our shop to make that happen!

Inside the shop food will be catered by Spur for our annual art show and outdoor venders Emerald City Hot Dogs and Balleywood Creamery will be providing food into the night. Were going to have a two wrestling matches being put on by 321 Battle! We also will be featuring acts by Wreckless Freeks and Seattle Fire Conclave. Last but not lest a quarter pipe skate competition with a best trick of the night contest by Midnight Ice Cream and Black Market Skate Shop. So come see art, fire breathing, pro wresting, music, and party in the street!

We hope to see you there!