Start: Oct. 29, 2011, 6 p.m.

End: Oct. 30, 2011, 6:30 a.m.

Event at Powerline Tattoo

Tis the season of giving, so we thought what better way to give back to the community than with what we do best--TATTOOS! Come by on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29TH for our FIRST ANNUAL SPOOKTACULAR TATTOO-A-THON to benefit the RHODE ISLAND COMMUNITY FOOD BANK! Our brilliant artists are coming up with original Halloween and Fall inspired tattoo designs for $60 each or $50 with 2 canned goods! These designs aren't wimpy and thrown together..you know we don't roll like that.. these are awesome, BADASS designs for CHEAP! Don't feel bad about spending your mulah on a new tattoo cos it's going straight to the RI COMMUNITY FOOD BANK! There will be free cider and candy and Halloween movies playing on all of our TVs all day and night! We are encouraging people to wear costumes! We'll be showing our Halloween spirit, so you should too! None of that "too cool for costume" bullshit..that's just lame. LET'S HAVE FUN! Come to the most awesome Halloween bash around and leave with your first PowerLine piece, or an addition to your PL collection ;) It will be first come, first serve from 11am til whenever people stop showing up! TELL EVERYONE YOU KNOW! LET'S MAKE THIS EPIC! Stay tuned on FB and our website--www.powerlinetattoo.com -- we'll be posting the designs 1-2 weeks before the event. CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU THERE <3 Come be part of a great thing!