Path of Dissent

Start: April 27, 2016, midnight

End: April 27, 2016, 4 a.m.

Event at Eridanos

Path of Dissent incorporates artists who have been the visual face of music.

Artists from all over the world are chosen for their illustrated works of design including album covers and show posters, specifically of hardcore and metal genres.

Traditionally presented as a compliment to an auditory experience, we celebrate the work of artists who have communicated visually the path of dissent.

List of exhibitors include:

Ian Adams
Justin Bartlett
Dan Bones
Alexander L. Brown
Scott Buoncristiano
Nate Burns
Jon Clue
Michelle Dugan
Joe Gettler
Jeremy Hush
Putrid Matt
Josh McAlear
Mike Moses
Mark Richards
Mark Riddick
Hal Rotter
Lucas Ruggieri
Dan Seagrave
Ross Sewage
Liz Walshak
Josh Yelle

For additional information please feel free to email us at

Event is FREE