"Palladium" handcrafted photography by Brett Grandson

Start: Sept. 11, 2015, 11 p.m.

End: Sept. 12, 2015, 1 a.m.

Event at Benchmark Tattoo and Fade Away Laser Tattoo Removal

The first public viewing of Brett’s handcrafted Palladium prints will be on display for the month of September 2015. Palladium printmaking was developed in the 19th century and suffered loss of popularity for much of the 20th century due to cost and availability of the heavy metals. In the last few decades, Palladium printing has begun to see a resurgence in popularity within the photographic arts community. Exploring the world of handcrafted printing has connected Brett with his artwork on a level far greater than he ever expected. All of his photographs are printed in a limited edition on an archival cotton rag paper, and the Palladium metal that creates the image is resistant to tarnishing from natural elements such as sunlight and moisture in the air. This process ensures Brett’s prints will last hundreds of years when properly cared for.

 “Solitude and splendor are ready to be found all around us. The feeling of experiencing a special moment in time that’s never to be seen the same again is the very reason I picked up a camera for the first time. When nature gives me the sense of insignificance, this is when I feel alive.”  Inspired by unique light, this collection features Brett’s favorite moments from the past 3 years, including places around Lake Superior and National Parks in the American West.

For more information, please visit Brett's website:
