new tattoo artist search

Start: July 24, 2011, 5:30 a.m.

End: Sept. 1, 2011, 8:30 a.m.

Event at i ov thee dragon tattoo and body piercing

i ov thee dragon is looking to hire a new full-time tattoo artist.

artists must provide access to an extensive portfolio, and a brief summary of work history and art background. personal clientele are a bonus. full time position is for a independent contractor for flat fee booth rental. you make own schedule. i will supply professional work space, utilities, advertising, basic office, cleaning, and sterilization supplies.

this is a great opportunity for the right, self motivated, ethical, professional minded individual, who is willing to work hard and succeed.

artists who apply:

*Must be self motivated and socially active.
*Must have @ least 3 years professional shop experience.
*Must be able to behave in a professional manner and leave personal issues and drama at home.

To contact i ov thee dragon about this position please reply via Myspace, Facebook, e-mail me at, or call 262.635.8282 and ask for Johnathan.