Music & Might Scotch Ale Release Party, in honor of Virginia International Tattoo

Start: April 6, 2016, 8 p.m.

End: April 7, 2016, midnight

Event at Virginia International Tattoo

Virginia Arts Festival has been brewing up the nation’s greatest spectacle of music & might, Virginia International Tattoo, for the last 20 years! O'Connor Brewing Co. is proud to honor the Tattoo’s 20th by brewing up the new MUSIC & MIGHT SCOTCH ALE.

Heavy layering of specialty malts and the finest floor-malted barley lean this brew toward the maltier side of things. Herbal and earthy notes from the hops add just enough bitterness to balance it out. A light-drinking Scotch Ale.

And guess what?? It’s #NationalTartanDay! Wear tartan to receive a special discount on MUSIC & MIGHT!

4pm- Beer available for purchase
5pm- Performance by Jim Roberts Bagpipes
6pm- Trivia begins- $1 cash-only

*Restaurants interested in carrying the beer should contact their Hoffman distributor.