Ink for Equality

Start: June 3, 2017, 4 p.m.

End: June 4, 2017, midnight

Event at Looking Glass Tattoo & Gallery

On Saturday, June 3rd all our artists: Judith, Chris, Jake, & Emma will do as many walk ins as possible! We are drawing custom flash and will have lots of images to choose from! All tattoos will be priced by the piece & will be between $40-$120. We'll have refreshments & hourly raffles for LG gift certificates & other goodies. All proceeds will go to the YWCA, NE Kansas.
Ink for Equality is more than a fundraiser. It's our way to get more people involved and raise awareness. Hopefully it's something we can do every year because this organization is so important to our community.
The YWCA is the oldest and largest multicultural women's organization in the world. Their mission is to eliminate racism and empower women. They provide safe places for women and girls, build strong female leaders, and advocate for women's rights and civil rights in Congress.
Women come to the YWCA in times of crisis, as survivors of rape or domestic violence. They come for job training and career counseling. They come for childcare. They come for health and fitness. They come for a variety of reasons. But they come. And they leave with a renewed spirit, new skills, and stronger lives.