Hotdog Social For Relay for Life, Team NeNe, at Distinct Ink

Start: June 18, 2011, 7 p.m.

End: June 19, 2011, 2 a.m.

Event at Distinct Ink Tattoo

Distinct Ink is proud to be hosting a hotdog/hamburger/meatball social June 18th
from 12:00 to 7:00 p.m. for, "Carson Relay for Life, Team NeNe." There will be
a silent auction with just some of the items listed below:
Free tattoo's from Distinct Ink
Gift Certificate from Naughty or Nice
One free breakfast per month for a year from Cracker Box
Three opportunities to get $500.00 worth of services from Gilson Auto Body
Two free haircuts from Shear Design
One haircut, one pedicure, one pedicure from A New U
$20.00 Gift Certificate from Tito's
One large Dri-T Reinforced Long Sleeve shirt from Red Wing. (Keep checking our
website for future auction items.

Two other things that will be at this wonderful event is Bumper Stickers from
Vital Signs and Luminaria bags for sale to help the cause.

Please come and join us, you won't be disappointed.