Garage Sale! American Ritual Tattoo & Wunderkammer Curiosity Shoppe Clean House

Start: Aug. 27, 2016, 7 p.m.

End: Aug. 29, 2016, midnight

Event at American Ritual Tattoo

If you have been in our shop, American Ritual Tattoo & Wunderkammer Curiosity Shoppe, you know, we have a few interesting things. If not, now is your opportumity (and, btw, we have a lot of interesting things). This Saturday and Sunday, we, along with a few friends who also have too much weird shit, will be cleaning all of the skeletons...and mummies... and .various sundries and oddities...right out our closet and offering them at deep...deep..discounts. There will be tons of unique and interesting doodads and thingamajiggies...oodles of vintage gadgets and gizmos, well as a cornucopia of time-honored, pre-used, upcycled and repurposed fashions and accesories. Halloween costumes and decor anyone? Ya feel me? Anywho, come on down to Freighthouse Square,get some cool shit and support local small business(read: help keep us in busuness lol) The sale will take place in Suite 53 ( across the hall and towards the food court rom us) Saturday anf Sunday from Noon to 7. This is a garage sale. We are cleaning out our home and business. We thought about doing it at home then thought, "Air Conditioning and roofs rock!" The shop will still be open for all your tattoo and curiosity needs but this will be, primarily, vintage goods ,decor and clothing as well as some household items. Feel free to drop by and check out what we have out of store for you, anytime 1 to 7 between now and Saturday!