Free Tattoo for Charity Day

Start: Jan. 22, 2012, 9 p.m.

End: Jan. 23, 2012, 3 a.m.

Event at Iron Brush Tattoo and Body Piercing

Iron Brush Tattoo is having a free tattoo/customer appreciation day for charity.
We will be doing free tattoos with a minimum $20 donation per tattoo which goes directly to Community Action.

Free Tattoo Day Rules:
1. You must have already been tattooed by Iron Brush Tattoo or Dave Robinson. We will verify the tattoo with the artist who did it, so you will need to know that.
2. It is a free tattoo with minimum donation of $20 per tattoo.
3. We will do tattoos on a first come first serve basis, you must sign up in person only on that day and be here when you name is called.
4. We tattoo designs off the posters we made only. Designs cannot be changed other than colors. Most the tattoos are normally $70-140. There is a ton of really cool designs on there. Posters are all original artwork from Iron Brush Tattoo.
5. We will be tattooing : arms, legs, shoulders, etc. We are not tattooing any: necks, ribs/sides, or stomachs/hip areas.
6. Come to have fun and donate. This is about getting cool small tattoos, having a good time with our clients and finding a way to donate to a great cause.

We will fill up fast, so come early! If we don’t have time to tattoo you, you can still donate and be part of the cause.
If you have not been tattooed by us you can still stop down and donate.

I uploaded a picture from one of the posters, they are huge! If you want to see more designs ahead of time stop in we will be working on them at the shop.

Also Matt is donating his piercing services as well.
You can get a free piercing with $20 donation, jewelry is extra.
All piercing are available that day except for industrials, genitals, surface piercings, and anchors.

Read More About Community Action:
When people come to us, we can offer them most anything they need to get back on their feet. People come to our Gathering Place for a hot meal during the week; they come to us evicted and looking for help with a deposit; they come to us homeless and with no place for their kids to sleep; they come to us needing help with their taxes or to learn how to budget their money; the come to us needing help finding employment; and they enroll their kids in our child development programs to make sure they are ready for school when they’re old enough. Our goal is to empower people to learn how to take better care of themselves and their families, and to use the strengths and tools they already have to make this happen.