Day of Spooky Tattoos

Start: Oct. 25, 2014, 4 p.m.

Event at Imperial Tattoos

Imperial Tattoos will be doing a day of spooky fun.
All day on the 25th we will be doing Halloween inspired tattoos for $31 (with a $9 tip)
We will have custom drawn flash sheets to pick from.
Also we will be having a costume contest with a $200 gift card prize.

-Can I bring in my own design?-

Sorry no due to possible crowds we will be going only the flash sheets we draw up

-Do I have to tip?-

Yes please the artist will be doing well below our shop minimum. So show them love for their hard work.

-Can I sign up and leave?-

You can but if we call your name and you aren't here then we will go on to the next person and you will have to resign in.

-When does it end?-

We will cut off the sign in sheet at 9 o'clock,

-How does the Halloween contest work?-

Rules for the Halloween contest are:
You have to come in costume.
You have to get a tattoo that day
We will take a picture of you in your costume
Then we will have a vote online (so get your friends and loved ones to vote so you can get that sweet sweet tattoo)
We will announce the winner November 2nd.

Anyways Hope to see you on the 25th

Imperial Tattoos
972 barret ave
Louisville ky