Day of Meditation in Indianapolis, IN

Start: Aug. 5, 2017, 1 p.m.

Event at The Tattooed Buddha

After seeing negativity and violence on Facebook and other social media sites, we would like to promote peace through meditation. For one day, people in multiple cities will be meditating on live stream!

In Indianapolis, we will gather on the north side of Paramount School of Excellence, in the Paramount Peace Garden. Let us gather quietly, with a gentle smile, and find a place to sit. At 9:05, the bell will sound, and we will begin. If you come later, simply find a spot. At 9:30, the bell will sound again, and we will gently release ourselves from meditation.

If you would like to sit longer, please feel free to do so by coming early or staying after. Let us all arrive and depart in mindfulness so as to allow others to have space for their practice.