Bike Night!!!

Start: April 18, 2017, 10:30 p.m.

Event at Ink Therapy Tattoo

We are going to meet at the shop at 6:30. Get there early, talk to some of our artists, make a tattoo appointment, get a piercing, check out our NEW jewelry inventory!!

Then we will ride for about an hour, ending up at the Raceway Pub in Clermont. Even if you don't ride, be sure to meet us up there!! There will be karaoke/DJ hosted by Indy Karaoke. Indy West Harley will be there with some door prizes, and we will be giving away Ink Therapy gear and gift certificates!!!

The pub has great pizza amongst other usual pub fare. There will also be some awesome drink specials, so come hungry and thirsty!!

If the weather isn't cooperating, we will still be having the party at Raceway, so make plans to be there rain or shine!!!