ANO with Beth Robinson's Strange Dolls: "The Aviary"

Start: Nov. 8, 2013, 7 p.m.

End: Nov. 8, 2013, 10 p.m.

Event at Living Art Studio

An Aviary is a large enclosure for confining birds. In the Strange Dolls’ Aviary you will find birds that have become so comfortable living outside of their natural habitat that they have started to adopt humanoid traits and social strata. When you visit the show you will enjoy anthropomorphic sculptures and prints of dandies and ladies.

The common themes that appear in my work are anthropomorphism, alter ego, and fantasy. I love testing perceptions of the beautiful and sublime. Dolls represent precious things, sentimentality, innocence and I am attracted to manipulating people's natural response to the doll form by pairing it with the grotesque. The style of the dolls are dark, creepy and macabre. And while they are called "dolls", Strange Dolls are not something you would buy for a child, unless you want to give them nightmares.