Aces "New chapter" Major Rager!

Start: March 27, 2016, 8 p.m.

Event at Aces Tattoo

This Easter Sunday will be the last day of tattooing in our beloved location...we will be hosting a keg, bbq, $13 Easter Bunny/ Zombie Jesus/ Aces por vida tattoos all day long, (free drink at the Shea's Tavern with each tattoo), Mad Dog 20/20 challenge contests...hell, we'll even do some of the infamous "Boobfolio" free shirt giveaways if it gets that nutty- the whole shebang!

Old friends, the thousands of people who've walked through the hallowed doors of 675 S Virginia and got blessed by the tattoo gods there, tatters, etc- are all more than welcome! It'll be a good send off to the old shop and reminisce about the good ol' times and talk about the awesome new space next few will get sneak peeks and whatnot, so come check it out- it'll be fun!

C'mon down- it'll be a fun respite after suffering through Easter Sunday church and insufferable brats fighting over Easter eggs at the hunts!

(To be clear: we are NOT closing for good- we are just moving next door!)