A Concert to Remember

Start: Nov. 12, 2011, 3 a.m.

End: Nov. 12, 2011, 6 a.m.

Event at Visions Tattoo, Piercing & Art Gallery

Don't forget A Concert to Remember for Ben Speaks is this Friday, 11/11/11!! Please come out and support putting a stop to bullying!!

The concert will be at the First Baptist Church in Newton Center, MA from 7PM - 10PM.

Canman will be doing a live portrait painting of Judy's son Ben during the concert. Angela will be taking photos.

To purchase tickets to the event, you can make a donation ($20-$25) and get your ticket at our studio or go online to www.benspeaks.org.

If you're unable to attend, you can make a donation of only $20 and be eligible to win an iPAD2! And you don't have to be present to win!

Our studio hours are Tuesday - Saturday, Noon - 8PM. Or call 508.533.1369 if you have any questions!

Hope to see you there!