Start: April 1, 2014, 5 p.m.

End: May 1, 2014, 2 a.m.

Event at i ov thee dragon tattoo and body piercing

Our 2014 April Tattoo Campaign starts in about 3 weeks and so I'm touching base to confirm your participation in the event.

As you know, April is Autism Awareness Month and our campaign is to raise funds for autism services and research. During the month of April, a portion of the proceeds from autism themed tattoos will be donated. This year we are expanding to include schools, service dog groups, local autism services groups etc. The recipient of the funds raised is entirely up to you.

We now have over 76,000 Facebook fans that have been following since we started in 2012 and have over 175 shops participating in 11 countries worldwide, quite a feat considering we started with 18 shops in 2012. We encourage you to submit photos of the tattoos you will do during April so I can share them with our fans. With 76,000 Facebook fans the exposure is Win/Win for both of us.

During the month ov April, if your receive an autism themed tattoo, a percentage ov thee proceeds will be given to Autism Speaks.

April is National Autism Awareness Month; a month
to support and celebrate those with ASD.
Ink4Autism wants to take the level of awareness
one step further by making a permanent showing
ov support with custom Autism themed tattoos.
So why not show your life long support of Autism
Awareness and get yourself some Ink4Autism?

Autism themed tattoos during the month ov
April in support of Autism Awareness Month.
A portion of your tattoo cost will be donated
to Autism Speaks.

DO NOT wait until thee last minute to make an appointment for this event. Most of our artists are currently booked out 1 to 2 weeks in advance. Please call and set up an appointment or a consultation regardless of thee size ov your TATTOO. Thank you.


